Homeward Bound
Today is Thanksgiving and while I am sitting here extremely thankful for my friends, family, and life in general, I can't help but be overwhelmingly thankful for something far better--- the promise of spending eternity with my Redeemer, sitting at His feet. This promise is what gets me through each day. My life here on earth is fleeting, but heaven with my Savior will last forever. Now, why am I just SO excited to get to heaven?
The answer: because I've fallen in love.
Now not a silly love with a cute boy with whom I will get married to and have kids with. No, I've discovered a Love far beyond fairy tales or my wildest dreams. This Love doesn't need me, but knows I need Him. This Love accepts me just the way I am. He doesn't get angry with me when I get caught up in my busy life and stop spending quality time with Him. He's always there -- waiting for me, with a big smile and His arms open wide. He tells me how beautiful I am just when I need to hear it. He listens to my thoughts, hopes, fears, and dreams. His love for me never changes, no matter how many times I mess up. This Love puts a smile on my face, a song in my heart, and a joy in my step. This Love knows that I cherish getting letters, so He wrote me the most special letter of all. In fact, He wrote me a book. A book filled with stories of His life as well as things He learned from His Father. A book full of words of encouragement as well as words of wisdom. Best of all, He wrote about why He left His perfect life . . . for me. He explained just how much I mean to Him; therefore, why He WANTED to give His life to save mine.
This Love, His name is JESUS.
My Love IS love, therefore, His love is completely perfect and unconditional. I can't imagine my life without Him. It would not be complete. It would not make sense. I am head over heels in love with my Jesus, for He is everything I ever wanted and more. He gave His life to save mine, and while we spend time together here on earth, His true home lies in Heaven. I am His bride and He cannot wait to bring me home with Him.
So today, on this day full of turkey, dressing, and yummy pie, take a second to stop and remember that Jesus wants to fall in love with YOU too.
You are precious to Him.
And He is patiently waiting . . . for you.
He wants to be your motivation to get through life when it's hard. He wants to be your place of refuge when you can't go on. He wants to be the love of your life, with whom you can't imagine yourself without.
This is something to truly be thankful for.
So what are you waiting for?
Homeward Bound by Kristene Mueller: this is the song that My Love used to capture my heart. Look it up.
I will run, I will run this race,
And I will do it all for love.
Your love compels me forward,
Your love controls my heart,
And I just can't, I cannot get away.
So I will fight this good fight of faith,
And I will do it all for love.
You are my great reward,
You're so worth fighting for
And I can't wait to see Your face.
The answer: because I've fallen in love.
Now not a silly love with a cute boy with whom I will get married to and have kids with. No, I've discovered a Love far beyond fairy tales or my wildest dreams. This Love doesn't need me, but knows I need Him. This Love accepts me just the way I am. He doesn't get angry with me when I get caught up in my busy life and stop spending quality time with Him. He's always there -- waiting for me, with a big smile and His arms open wide. He tells me how beautiful I am just when I need to hear it. He listens to my thoughts, hopes, fears, and dreams. His love for me never changes, no matter how many times I mess up. This Love puts a smile on my face, a song in my heart, and a joy in my step. This Love knows that I cherish getting letters, so He wrote me the most special letter of all. In fact, He wrote me a book. A book filled with stories of His life as well as things He learned from His Father. A book full of words of encouragement as well as words of wisdom. Best of all, He wrote about why He left His perfect life . . . for me. He explained just how much I mean to Him; therefore, why He WANTED to give His life to save mine.
This Love, His name is JESUS.
My Love IS love, therefore, His love is completely perfect and unconditional. I can't imagine my life without Him. It would not be complete. It would not make sense. I am head over heels in love with my Jesus, for He is everything I ever wanted and more. He gave His life to save mine, and while we spend time together here on earth, His true home lies in Heaven. I am His bride and He cannot wait to bring me home with Him.
So today, on this day full of turkey, dressing, and yummy pie, take a second to stop and remember that Jesus wants to fall in love with YOU too.
You are precious to Him.
And He is patiently waiting . . . for you.
He wants to be your motivation to get through life when it's hard. He wants to be your place of refuge when you can't go on. He wants to be the love of your life, with whom you can't imagine yourself without.
This is something to truly be thankful for.
So what are you waiting for?
Homeward Bound by Kristene Mueller: this is the song that My Love used to capture my heart. Look it up.
I will run, I will run this race,
And I will do it all for love.
Your love compels me forward,
Your love controls my heart,
And I just can't, I cannot get away.
So I will fight this good fight of faith,
And I will do it all for love.
You are my great reward,
You're so worth fighting for
And I can't wait to see Your face.